Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Have You Been Discriminated Against In Housing?

We are looking for trans-people who have been harassed or discriminated against in housing and/or in homeless shelters here in Connecticut.

If you were told that you were not welcome when you went to rent an apartment. Or a homeless shelter refused to let you stay there or the shelter required you to stay in the shelter of your birth gender. We want to know about it.

Did the other residents harass you and the landlord or the shelter do nothing?

Email us and briefly tell us what happen and where and when.
Or fill out the “Contact Us” form
Or call us at 860 255 8812 and leave us a voice mail.

And please help us get the word out for this.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Housing Discrimination

Press release from the CHRO...


August 20, 2014

The Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
The National Center for Lesbian Rights

Symposium on New State and Federal Protections Against LGBT Discrimination in Housing

Join CHRO, HUD, NCLR, and our community partners for a day of education about the rights of LGBTQ individuals to equal opportunity housing.

The program will include presentations on:
  • what constitutes housing discrimination
  • the impact of housing discrimination on LGBTQ persons and communities
  • protections provided by federal programs with a focus on the new protections under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s LGBT Equal Access Rule
  • protections provided by Connecticut State Law
  • the impact of the Equal Access Rule on homeless LGBTQ individuals
  • resources for protecting LGBTQ rights to housing
  • the rights and obligations of housing providers and lenders

We hope to see you there!

When: Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Where: Legislative Office Building
300 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
Time: 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities 25 Sigourney Street Hartford, CT 06106

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street S.W.
Washington, DC 20410

National Center for Lesbian Rights
1100 H Street, NW Suite 540
Washington, DC 20005

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Changes in the California Birth Certificate and Name Change Laws

California just made it easier to change your birth certificate and your name, the Transgender Law Center reports,
The first phase of the law, which went into effect January 1, made it easier for transgender people born in California to obtain an accurate birth certificate by removing the requirement that they present a court-ordered gender change in order to amend a gender marker on a birth certificate. Instead, they now have the option to just submit a form and a doctor’s letter directly to the state Department of Public Health along with a $23 fee.

Under the second part of the law, which becomes effective today, those seeking a name change to better match their gender identity are no longer required to publish the change in a local newspaper.  Also effective today, those seeking to obtain a name change for purposes of gender transition will no longer be required to attend an in-person court hearing unless another person challenges the name change request. These new protections were created to improve the safety and privacy needs of transgender people seeking to obtain accurate and consistent identity documents.
Read the article here.